Sapphic! (Unl)

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my friends. monogatari, evangelion, madoka, punpun, danganronpa, reading, kdramas |

Olivia hye
Kim lip
Exo ot9
Stan/semi ults:
Red velvet
Monsta x
(+ bibi, taeyeon, yukika)

To my best friend isa:
Heyy!! I’ve told u a 10000 times how happy u make me! Ur presence here makes me happy, know I’ll keep being ur friend forever. I love our conversations about anime and our personal shit, ure so loved, cute, pretty, funny and i have sm fun when we watch movies. Pls forgive me if I’ve ever done anything that hurt u. Thank u for being my friend isa, i love u 💕 #mane

Heyyy :))
I’m so glad we met!! U mean so much to me, ty for being there everyday and cheering me up!! Although we’re always fighting know that I appreciate u soooo much and I have lots of fun with u!! I want u to be happy and smile, I will always be here for u. Thank u for being my friend, i love u💗

Hey viv!
Ure the nicest person here!! U were one of my first close oomfs, ur happiness and seeing u on tl bright my days, i love u so so so so so much, pls stay safe! Ure the prettiest despite being a shortie🙄 /j
I’ll be here for whatever u need!! I LOVE U!!!❤️

To the cutest:
Hey ren! I love u soooo much!! Ure so funny, always makes me laugh, im glad we became oomfs, i see u as my sister, ure so pretty and lovely, I’ll be here for u, always. Pls smile and be happy, i love u💕

Hey sama!
Ure the nicest, prettiest and cutest pie ever!! U make me happy, the days ure not on the tl i miss u so much. Ure my favorite yeo stan. Ure so loved and appreciated, im here for u always, ilyyyy💓

Hey leyla!!
Ure pretty, funny, so cute and amazing, i consider u my dear friend, im here for whatever u need!! U make me so happy, pls stay safe, i love u sm💕 ure perfect never change

My dear zen!!!
U have the best taste here! Ure one of my favorite oomfs and i love talking to u!! Im here for u and i hope ure always happy. Ure such an strong girl, I admire u so much. I love u, im glad we’re friends❣️
My favorite bitch aena:
Ty for being there despite u being a whore i love u so so so much ty for making me laugh and pls don’t ever go :(( ilysososmuchhhh
Anddd chae ure so freaking cute and nice im so glad zen decided to make a gc together. Ilysm

Psst heyyy kale!
Ure such a cutie,i love u sooo much, though we don’t interact that much, we have great memories together, and I appreciate u so much!! Ure so valid and nice! Never change cuz ure perfect!! Ily💖